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Eskimost-est brothers

The ultimate Eskimo brothers. Not have you only penetrated the same women, but you both had a child with her!

Sally: “Did you see Jimmy just had a baby with Janet down the street?”

Nancy: “No way! Didn’t She have a baby with Billy a few years ago?”

Sally: “Yeah that’s her! I guess Jimmy and Billy are now Eskimost-est brothers.”

by BAP511 March 7, 2020

Eskimost-est brothers

The ultimate Eskimo brothers. Not have you only penetrated the same women, but you both had a child with her!

Sally: “Did you see Jimmy just had a baby with Janet down the street?”

Nancy: “No way! Didn’t She have a baby with Billy a few years ago?”

Sally: “Yeah that’s her! I guess Jimmy and Billy are now Eskimost-est brothers.”

by BAP511 March 7, 2020