Source Code

Essay Gambit

When a person, in an attempt to get someone's contact info without directly asking them, asks another person for their help in reviewing an essay they wrote. The person asking will offer two options between printing it and giving it to them, or getting the other person's contact info and sending it to them.

Almost always results in an advantage for the person asking, as they cant lose anything if the other person is nice enough to review their essay for them, creating a foothold for the asker to get more involved.

Usually used by people who are in fear of rejection, and by asking for them to review a paper they feel that they can avoid a direct rejection and still participate in someone's life if they opt to just take the printed essay.

Ironically, even if they got someone's contact info through this, how would the person who receives the essay edit it without printing it out?

Person 1: "Hey, I wrote this essay for English class and I don't feel like showing it to the professor, can you look over it for me?"
Person 2: "Sure why not."
Person 1: "Perfect, I can either print it out for you and give it to you tomorrow, or send it to you tonight but I'd need your contact info for that."
Person 2: "Just print it and I'll look over it then."
Person 1: "Alright, thanks" (cries on the inside)

Person 1: "I just used the Essay Gambit and was able to get her contact info."
Person 2: "Why not just ask her normally?"
Person 1: "Cause I'm a pussy lmao"

by 4D Chess Wannabe February 7, 2023