Estrella is the only person who will always be there for you no matter what, she has a huge heart that sees for others no matter who is, she is such a compassionate and loving heart that it is difficult for people in general to understand. Estrella knows how to forgive and ask for forgiveness when she makes a mistake. She inspires peace without doing anything, you just have to look into her eyes to know that everything will be fine. Her beauty is incomparable! She has the best smile that you will ever see, and her eyes will leave you speechless.
When Estrella speaks, everyone listens .
You will never find a more talented girl, her voice is amazing and she masters all the arts. she is very intelligent and knows how to teach. Estrella is the soul of the parties, you will not meet someone funnier and witty like her, she is not scared of being as she is, no matter where they are. Estrella always seems to be the spoiled of God, when she wishes, He grants her, when God wants to entrust something to someone, He chooses Estrella because he knows that she will listen and obey. If you are lucky enough to find her on your way, do everything possible to keep her close to you, love her with all that you are, she is not only worth the whole world but she would fight sharks for you, she would bring down mountains If you are in danger, She would cross the world to see you happy and she will always be your home.
Estrella D. is amazing!
Wow Estrella D. is beautiful!