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any person who has a wide mix of european ancestory.

most americans are euromutts.
tom: i am french, swiss, english, german, irish, and finnish.
ben: i guess that makes u a real euromutt!

by rhys April 10, 2004

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A word used to shorthand or invalidate the often rich, beautiful, complex, and frequently painful immigrant experience and ancestry of Euro-Americans from dozens of different countries and cultures.

Its use makes it easier to identify as simply "white", and to continue unproductive internal or external appraisals of the world and one's place in it.

See also: statistext

A: B is Punjabi, C is Hakka Chinese, and D is from Mexico City and has a beautiful cultural background influenced by the Mayans and Spanish. I'm just a Euromutt.

E: How do you think that happened, exactly?

A: Well... I've heard my ancestors lost their fortune trying to help the nobility escape the French Revolution. They went to Luxembourg from there. But because the Nazis destroyed our family cemetery during World War II, we don't know for sure.

E: Do you have any family recipes? Words you say that a lot of other people don't say?

A: My dad always used to say "uff da" when he stubbed his toe, and my grandma used to make these German hamburgers. And some of my great-grandparents were Greek Orthodox.

E: Does "Euromutt" capture that for you or anybody else?

by saranblade February 11, 2024