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A member of the LGBT community who believes the acronym is LGBT+ (for enban sexualities).

Commonly included as exclusionists are Long Sword Lesbians, Gravity Knife Gays, Trident/Trench Knife Trans, Battle Axe Bisexual, and Nunchuck Nonbinary.

Exclusionist beliefs include: Pan = bi, hesbians/theysbians are fake, shegays/theygays are fake, anti non-trad neopronouns, asexuality isn't included in LGBT, etc

Tracey: Hey, did you hear that there's a new xenogender?
Travis: No, I'm an exclusionist, I don't believe in xenogenders.

by tychobrahesnose April 20, 2021

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An exclusionist, commonly shortened to exclus, is a discourse term to refer to a person who believes the core purpose of the LGBT+ community is group protection. They tend to care more about historical sources or definitions over personal feelings. They believe that cishet approval is needed in order for lgbt individuals to have rights. Since they prioritize history, they can sometimes dismiss people's feelings, and even boss people around (e.g; "you can't identify as pansexual, it's biphobic). However, not all exclus are guilty of doing this.

Common exclusionist beliefs are (Note: People don't have to inherently have every of these views to be an exclusionist):
-the acronym is LGBT, or sometimes LGBT+
-ace and aro aren't inherently LGBT, they would need to either have same gender attraction, or be trans
-asexuality and aromanticism are not spectrums ("either you're ace or you're not")
-lesbians need to be women, and gays need to be men. Non-binary people are feminamoric or viramoric
-"gay" is a term that's only meant for men who only like men, lesbians and bisexuals should not use the term to refer to themselves
-Mspec identities like pan, omnisexual, or polysexual are not valid, and contribute to biphobia
-some form of gender dysphoria is needed in order to be transgender
-pronouns = gender
-either no neopronouns are valid, or only traditional neos like xe/xem are valid
-Queer is a slur, and shouldn't be used as a term for anyone to use to refer to the community

Sam is an exclusionist, they don't believe pansexual is a valid identity.

by punkcabaret May 12, 2021

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Someone in the LGBT+ community who thinks that someone else's identity is their business

Mark's an exclusionist, he should probably go outside

by little guy police September 1, 2022

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A person who thinks certain sexual orientation minorities aren't real or valid enough to be a part of the LGBT+ community for various and dubious reasons, as for example not being hated and discriminated enough or invalidating their sexuality in general. Favorite targets are asexuals, pansexuals, bisexuals... And their favorite way of fighting is by delivering a lot of said "nonexistent" hate.

I can't say for all exclusionists but I'm aiming to steal as much merch as I can this year (on Pride). And not just from vendors. Watch your bags ;)

by MihaT June 15, 2019

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an exclusionist is someone who gatekeeps (excludes) specific sexualities and pronouns from the LGBTQ+ community. most of them excuse sexualities that may be harming others (pansexuality vs bisexuality discourse). exclusionist, unlike inclusionist, can have different beliefs about different sexuality, as one person might not support neopronouns while an other does or some might support the aro/ace spectrum (most do) while others don't. they're the contrast to inclusionist who accept every nounselfs, xenogender, neogender and sexuality despite whether its harmful or not.

1. I consider myself as an exclusionist, I don't support pansexuality and think its harming to the bisexual and transgender community, but that doesn't mean I don't support neopronouns or the aro/ace community!

2. Some exclusionists usually don't support nounself pronouns like fae/faer as they think they are unnecessary when there are already neopronouns (xe/xim/xer) and a neutral pronoun (they/them)

3. I don't believe that English needs neopronouns (xe/xim/xer etc.) as it already has a neutral pronoun (they/them) but some languages that don't have it should totally use them!

4. I have exclusionist views as I think pansexuality is biphobic and transphobic as 1) bisexuals can be genderblind and love people outside of the gender binary just as pansexuals can (see: bisexual manifesto) and 2) pansexuals don't exclusively love trans men and women and they count in the gender binary!

by Pen Name = Pseudonym August 16, 2020

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another way of saying sexy smart bitches. exclusionists are people who hold exclusionary beliefs about the lgbt community, including, but not limited to, fighting against lesbian, gay, and bisexual erasure, supporting the medicalization of trans healthcare, and sticking by lgbt history.

the term originated from ace discourse on whether or not aces and aros were lgbt, but is now much broader. an exclusionist may even believe aces/aros *are* lgbt; if the rest of their beliefs are exclusionist beliefs, they are a neutralist with an extremely heavy exclus lean, and may choose to say they're exclus for convenience.

contrary to popular belief, not all exclus hate people who disagree with them. many exclus are friends with neutralists, inclus, other exclus, and anyone in-between, as long as both parties agree to disagree. the majority of them follow the classic "hate the sin, not the sinner," rhetoric, with "sins" being problematic lgbt identities.

1) Heidi is an exclusionist. She's a lesbian against lesbian erasure, sometimes called a longsword lesbian. She believes that he/him lesbians and non-binary lesbians erase lesbian history, and is overall a very sweet, knowledgable person.

2) Michael is a neutralist with an extremely heavy exclusionist lean. He is a gay man against she/her gays and non-binary gays, but thinks aces and aros are lgbt. Despite their disagreements, him and Heidi are best friends. Some people call him a galaxy-knife gay or hand-grenade gay due to his views.

3) Damien is a transgender man. He recognizes that his gender dysphoria is part of his transgenderism, as it is a direct side effect of the disconnect between his gender and sex. He is strongly against people who claim anyone can be transgender, and is extremely supportive of medicalizing trans healthcare. People like him may choose to describe themself as a "trident trans."

4) Mimi is a bisexual woman against bi erasure. She recognizes the harmful and biphobic, transphobic roots of pansexuality, and has done thorough research on the subject. She strives to educate supporters of pansexuality, omnisexuality, polysexuality, and all of its siblings. She sometimes uses the descriptor "battleaxe bisexual."

by catsappu April 4, 2021

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An exclusionist is a person who gatekeeps (i.e. excludes) certain people or identities from a group. This is particularly prevalent in the LGBTQ+ community, but also occurs in other (usually minority) groups as well. Often times exclusionists stubbornly maintain one viewpoint without attempting to understand those they exclude, even after having their mindsets thoroughly debunked by inclusionists. Exclusionists often treat identities as "clubs" and "in-groups" that they exclude others from in order to feel more valid in their own identities, usually not realizing that those outside the group often do not understand the differences and subject all identities to judgement and oppression.

1. Penny is a pansexual exclusionist. She says that pansexuals invalidate bisexual and trangender people, but that makes no sense. She doesn't get that bisexuality is the attraction to two or more genders, and that pansexuality is the attraction that is not determined by gender, and that neither invalidates other identities.

2. You're a bisexual exclusionist because you think you can only be gay or straight, no in-between? Dude, you know that bisexuality isn't always an attraction to just men and just women, right?

3. Did you hear Andrew is an ace exclusionist? He keeps saying he excludes asexual and aromantic people from LGBTQ+ because he doesn't know the difference between asexuality and abstinence. He really needs to do some research.

4. You know that one author? Turns out she's a TERF, which means she excludes transgender people from feminism because they weren't born female. What a boomer.

5. I'm genderfluid, and use neopronouns. If you're an exclusionist and you don't think my identities are valid, don't interact!

by PewPewGuns September 26, 2020

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