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An online place where people can anonymously torment people by asking them uncomfortable questions.

Tina- I was on formspring yesterday and this jerk asked me all kinds of sleezy questions

Lisa- Can I see?

Tina- yah, go to hobobobette's profile

by Ihearturbandictonary April 25, 2010

42๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Website for cowards who are afraid to say stuff to people face to face so they find comfort in talking crap behind the anonymity the site provides.

Dude1: Man I'm so tired of these punk asses talking crap on formspring, they need to grow some balls and say shit to my face!

Dude2: Thats why I don't have one

by Don't get any better than this April 4, 2010

192๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


a formspring is a personal website where one can ask others questions, be it anonymous or not. TCUB (thecomeupboard) is very fond of trolling formsprings and asking very rude questions and demanding n00dz.

Girl1: ugh who the hell is TCUB? they just asked me on my formspring if i took hard black cock in the ass?!?

Girl2: ughhh idk but theyre sooo annoying. i checked my formspring this morning and got "TCUB DEMANDS N00DZ" and "TITS OR GTFO" people are rude.

by TCUBALLDAY February 25, 2010

54๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Formspring;A place for young,older men or boys to comment on young girls about how they look,how they would commit sexual acts on them and for their friends or so called ''friends'' to talk shit about them anonymously.

Anonymous person on formspring''Can I eat you out?''
Girl Replies ''No who the fuck are you creep?

by It's The M to the T May 26, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


an online bullying website that apparently does not tolerate bullying. You can ask people questions about anything and it is up to them to answer. You can ask questions anonymously or with your name.

person 1: yeah i am getting screwed up on formspring
person 2: yeahh me too soo many sick people out there
person: i think formsprings rad!!

by californiagurlxoxo November 13, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fad that is old already. It lets you ask questions anonymously. Everyone has it. Too many people. It burnt out before it even rose high.

"Hey formspring me!"

"Ew no."

by lotn January 6, 2010

171๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


The new internet hate machine, were pussies make accounts with the intention of getting random love from their friends and random nerds who they think want to bone them. In all actually, its just a place for pussies to get trolled, hated and spammed on by their "friends" mostly facebook "friends". Creating a formspring allows the pussy to feel like his or her life matters to other people, when in most cases we're just happy he or she made it so we can make fun of their unibrow or tell everyone they have a small penis. Lastly pussies love to complain about people making anonymous hate comments, you made it you have to deal with the hate bitch.

Below are some people who make formspring accounts:

Your ex boyfriend, his new girlfriend, your little brother, whores at your school, wanna be cool kids, girls who don't get out too much.

by tehenforcer July 15, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž