Referring to all social media picture posts as LAME.
General from someone who doesn't use social media and thinks it is a joke, government policing system.
Basically, Say social media posts are for the grossest of people.
FPatch, F-Patch, FPatched, F-Patched
F-Patched Oh, I scooped that girl/guy off of Tinder and they FPatched me all over their Instagram and FFB the day after our connection.
FPatch my nuts on your accounts, Baby!
I was F-Patched at my cousin's wedding and my mom will not stop sharing it with everyone.
Yeah, we can F-Patch the video, no faces though....
To be posted on lame ass social media
FPatch, F-Patch, FPatched, F-Patched
Don"t FPatch me on your post Urban DIC>
FPatch, F-Patch, FPatched, F-Patched