what one may say when frustrated or annoyed to the point that one gives up or no longer wants to complete the task at hand. Usually results in the task not being complteted.
Man: Please find a word that rhymes with 'orange'.
Other Man *after an hour of looking*: Man fuck this shit.
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What people say when they give up at something out of frustration
Mom:Don't worry timmy, you'll learn to ride the bike soon enough.
Timmy:Fuck this shit!! I give up!
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Commonly said when you are at the end of your rope doing anything at all. Normally after you have felt bitchy and pissed off all day.
Sitting at the computer surfing around when you just get fed up and say "FUCK THIS SHIT" and go to bed.
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The best way to comunicate to your boss that you're tired of sitting in a cubicle doing the same shit every day and you wish to be fired.
My supervisor: Noel! Do more e-mails, ur production is low!
Me: U know what? FUCK THIS SHIT!
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a phrase one uses when frustrated or tired of doing a certain thing that isn't working properly or going their way.
Girl calls guy
Guy doesn't answer
Girl texts guy
Guy doesn't answer
Girl get annoyed and mad: "FUCK THIS SHIT"
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a. Something that I say way too much, being that I'm a girl.
b. a less polite way of saying, "I abort this mission" or "this is stupid, why are we wasting our time?" or simply "this is retarded"
Me: "Fuck this shit. I have better things to do."
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A phrase i frequently use whilst at work.
Accounts Dept: I know we said that client is all clear, but we've changed our minds, you'll now have to talk to 15 different people in order to settle your problem.
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