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A special friend acquired predominetly through Facebook

"Ian, how's your facebitch doing? Have you even had a conversation with her that wasn't through Facebook?"

by IanYouKnowItsTrue January 1, 2008

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1. (noun) A name for facebook when people complain excessively in their status updates. 2. (noun) An affectionate term for a facebook friend. 3. (verb) Constantly complaining through one's facebook status. 4. (noun) An individual that complains through their facebook status often.

1. Susie posted on facebitch that her boyfriend dumped her. 2. Oh, yeah, Susie and I are facebitches! 3. I hate it when people facebitch constantly and won't get the **** out of my news feed. 4. Susie is such a facebitch. She updates her status so often it's ridiculous.

by BMH2611 April 28, 2009

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v. To complain about not having enough time in one's life, then spend copious time on one or more social networking websites. (The complaining may occur on or outside of such sites.)

"Emily constantly whines about being disorganized, but she never seems to do anything about it - instead, she's on facebook all the time!"

"Yeah, I'm sick of her facebitching."

by tmon January 1, 2009

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(noun) someone who complains about you conversing with someone else on their facebook status because of notifications...the type of person who waits with bated breath for said notifications and is epically disappointed when the conversation doesn't revolve around them.

Girl: take this conversation elsewhere, so I don't get updates on it...

Guy: geez she's being such a facebitch...

by lifeofdaparty July 8, 2009

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Someone who's a bitch to you on facebook but then licks your arse in real life.

facebook- ''omg you totally copyied my hair you bitch''

real life- ''omg your hairs amazing where did you get it?''


by RaazTaaz January 29, 2009

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One who chooses to use facebook status updates for negative comments instead on positive ones.

I had to remove my friend from my facebook updates, she's such a facebitch.

by pmarcotte December 23, 2011

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a facebitch can be one of the following things:

1. one of your many bitches, male or female, who happen to have a facebook account

2. your online bitch, male or female, because there is no interaction of any sort in person


3. a douchnozzle who uses formspring to talk shit while anonymous because they don't have the balls to say it in person

Jeff: Dude, Bridgette told me she would defintely give me a blowjob when i was facebook chatting her!

Bill: Oh, so she's your facebitch.

Jeff: Damn right she is!

Tommy: Hey Sam, who was that person who said your girl was ugly and that he fucked your mom?

Sam: No idea, he was using formspring like the facebitch he is.

by /b/tard's /b/rother July 19, 2010

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