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Facebook Attention Seekers

Women who feel the need to post multiple pictures of themselves every day, air their dirty laundry in public, post RIP messages for dead relatives, and generally announce everything in their life on Facebook in order to get attention, sympathy and likes. Usually containing foul language and written by stupid teenage girls/stupid adult women who are unable to spell the most basic words in their posts.

Facebook Attention Seekers Example 1
Post: Sick of the people in dis town talkin bout me behind me back, if u got somethin to say do it to me face, ye durty bitchezz
Reply 1: u tell em girl, sum snakes in dis town, dirty cuntzz
Reply 2: i'm here for u babe xxx
Reply 3: sum scummy bitches girl xxx

Facebook Attention Seekers Example 2
Post: Can't believ its 20 years since my Nanny died - I never met her but I still miss her loadz everyday xxx
Reply 1: U ok girl, im here for you xxx
Reply 2: U ok, private message me, luv u xxx
Reply 3: chin up girl xxx

Facebook Attention Seekers Example 3:
Post: How could he do did to me???? I hate my life !!!!!
Reply 1: U ok girl, private message me, luv u xxx
Reply 2: U ok girl, im here for you xxx
Reply 3: chin up girl xxx

etc. etc.

by ZUZU1 June 25, 2015