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Facebook Queen

Used to describe a girl who uses the social networking tool facebook to the extreme. This is usually somone who is on facebook all the time and posts slutty pictures of themselves or comment on as many walls an photos as possible in hopes of making their profile and selves look popular. They will even comment randomly to strangers or old friends they haven't spoken to in years.

In many cases this person will have "Modeling" pictures in which they don't really model anything but try to look good. They often delete negative comments and enjoy accepting every friend request they receive so they're list looks larger. Frequent profile picture changes is another symptom. Although a majority of faacebook queens are decent looking, others work the camera angle or use the now famous "my space" angles to work cut around being fat and ugly.

They also tend to un-tag any and all un flattering photos and upload ridiculous amounts of albums. A name change to something stupid is quite common. They often make lots of notes or do the quizzes. These people generally have a low self-esteem.

Ok so I met that girl last night and she added me on facebook immediately... I mean she was pretty good looking but when I looked at her profile i could TELL she was a FACEBOOK QUEEN... how can you take someone like that seriously??

by HappyPappy1988 June 2, 2009

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Facebook Drama Queen

A person, either male or female, that uses Facebook as a source to create nothing but drama for no other reason than to do so or to get attention/sympathy.

All that girl does on Facebook is complain about everything. She's such a Facebook Drama Queen ffs.

by Jimsmash June 13, 2010

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Facebook Drama Queen

Attention seeker who periodically (or habitually) deactivates their FB account so as to solicit messages of concern for that person's well being. The Drama Queen will then reactivate their account a week later and accumulate "Welcome Back" and "We were so worried" wall postings.

"Hey, did you notice Joanne's not on FB any longer?"
"Oh, she'll be back. She's nothing but a little Facebook Drama Queen seeking attention."

by fleck2 March 23, 2012

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Facebook drama queen

Facebook drama queens can come in the form of a male or female. A drama queen is someone who seeks attention by publically posting their most personal problems. They can be found hanging out on all posts which involve slight altercations, even if everyone else on the post is 10 years their minor and it's slightly unconfrotable. Queens let off mating calls (facebook tags) to fellow queens when they have found something they belive they can turn into a drama. Drama queens are renkowned for leading dull and unfulfilling lives so they embarrasses themselves publically to create something to talk about. Queens above the age of 20 still clinging on to a place as a drama queen are known as social retards. They embaress themselves with no thought for the humilation they could cause their kid, parent or partner. They never feel the emotional state of embarrassment and therefore become confused thinking that people are impressed by their shows. It is thought a lack of love, job or social life causes the boredom which leads to their public emotional break downs.

Facebook drama queen:
Person 1: Jenny hasn't got laid in years.
Person 2: Really? She doesn't have a job.
Person 3: Oh, is that why she's got the time to post indirect statues about her ex?

by Craycray1 January 20, 2015

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Facebook Drama Queen

When someone you don't even know unfriends you from Facebook and you fly off the handle. Social paranoia kicks in and you turn into a full fledge Facebook Drama Queen. You contact all your mutual FB friends to get them to unfriend your nonfriend and reel over it for weeks.

Holy shit, she doesn't even know this person and is causing all this drama because they unfriended her? She has become a serious Facebook Drama Queen so paranoid her reputation will be lost, because one person deleted her? No one cares, she needs to get a grip!

by Fuckin' FB Drama Queens November 10, 2009

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Facebook Drama Queen

A FB drama Queen is a person that posts about all their personal drama on FB. They post about their failed relationships, personal issues that no one really cares about, and family and relationship drama as well. They go on and on about stuff no one on FB really wants to hear about.

Facebook Drama Queen

" I can't believe I fell for another loser guy again.... I am tired of getting used, and am tired of being heartbroken... sometimes I wonder if I will ever find a guy that is worthwhile again.... #devastatedagain

by Alan SD January 8, 2014

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someone who aprrecites everythig excessively..and reacts to nearly evrything with expressions like "awwww" ,"so sweet"" ,"woooooow"...."love u" ,"Muuuah", " .

This Facebook-Drama-queen is really getting on my nerves with her silly comments on my updates.

by Garyadher October 30, 2011

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