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faggots and peas

Not a description of a gay gangbang involving watersports, but a tasty meal, very popular in Wales, consisting of a large meatball (the faggot), served with processed peas (not too mushy!) and topped with a thin gravy. Typically served in a bowl and best enjoyed with a spoon to lap up the tasty juices.

Very tasty fare to enjoy after a rugby game (there are still faggots and peas vendors in larger towns in Wales) but of course faggots and peas are also eaten at home.

Sadly these traditional delights are becoming less common with the preponderance of standardised, homogenised fast food establishments such as McDonalds, Burger King and KFC.

"Hey boyo, I'm starvin' after watching Wales hammer those English bastards in the rugby! Let's have a bowl of faggots and peas and down twenty pints of Felinfoel Double Dragon Bitter!"

by w00fdawg September 19, 2005

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