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Faiza is a beautiful girl who deserves happiness in her life she is a strong girl who has fought battles since she was born .

Faiza is the best thing you’ve ever come across .
Bitch if you ever talk about Faiza she’ll beat your stinking ass up

Faiza is a beautiful person , even her enemies think that.

Faiza is awesome

by Itsjustafaze July 23, 2018

652πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Faiza is the best and any guy would be lucky to have her. She is tough but is really sweet on the inside once you get to know her. You will never meet someone else as caring and cute as faiza and she will never let you go no matter what you put her through. She deserves the universe, but doesn't realize how great she is. Faiza is beautiful and sexy as fuck but doesnt like to admit it because shes too shy to say that she is. If you could be with any girl forever, faiza would be the number one option, the girl above everyone else; perfection.

if faiza ever leaves i will torture her in inhumane ways and slaughter her.

by wagdhfsghg June 21, 2021

84πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


She a cocky, she might be shy when you first meet her, but she's a ride or die bitch you're gonna wish you had met earlier on in life

She's talented AF, she's probably smart but she never want to say, and she always starting up fights and arguments with people

She's too fucking logical for her own good

She's open minded and accepts people dispite their appearance and she doesn't like judging because she gets judges a lot

She's insecure but she hides and fights and beats people asses when they talk shit to her

She's not afraid to speak her mind, and it gets her in trouble all the time

Faiza the best shit to cross your life

Person 1: Yo Faiza's really funny right?
Person 2: Don't talk about her or she'll beat your ass.

Person 1 gets their ass beaten anyways.

by whatheactualfuckamidoinhsere May 16, 2017

200πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Faiza is a funny girl. She tends to be committed to herself. Faiza has an amazing personality, she cares about close ones more than she cares about herself. Family means everything to Faiza, Faiza is a beautiful girl, her eyes her facial structure is just beautiful, Faiza has a nice big ass, God bless you if you get a Faiza in your life.

Wow did you see Faiza at the gym today? Such a fine ass

by SweetOneMagnet February 5, 2020

181πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


name of someone who thinks too much.

has a few close friends, but is willing to die for them.

she gets along well with people from different walks of life,
but at the same time she finds it hard to trust people.

wants a guy who will make her want to improve herself, be a better person.

doesn't like to show affection incase of rejection or sad emotions in front of people.

loves her family even though she doesn't show it

has been through A LOT.

has issues, but who doesn't??

isn't afraid to identify herself as a muslim!

Faiza is very very very wierd!!

by sanzObi October 12, 2011

333πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


a bit of a sex freak, life of the party, and an overall great friend who makes you constantly laugh

"dang, who is that"
"oh that's Faiza"

by thepoliehehehce September 6, 2019

46πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Faiza is the name of a very beautiful and intelligent woman.

Muneeb thinks Faiza is very hot and wants to marry her.

by faiza April 16, 2005

275πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž