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fake ass bitch

A lying ass pussy who lies about anything and everything. Lies just to get by and pretends to be something that they're not. Habitual liar who lies to make themselves look better than they really are. A fake ass pussy who can't admit his/her flaws, weaknesses, and mistakes.

You're the fakest bitch I've ever known you fake ass bitch. quit pretending and just admit that you ain't shit.

by B real plz April 3, 2010

246πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

fake ass bitch

A Fake Ass Bitch --- is someone who attempts to fit in, or
go along with the "crew" but everyone knows when the Sh*T hits the fan, they are the first one to bail.

Or accoring to Tupac someone bobbing their head to this dope ass sh*t wearing khakis

"Hey Jimmy lets roll up on those jersey punks and wax them"
Jimmy-- yeah man I wanna get me some of that action
"Shut up Jimmy, everyone knows ur a Fake Ass Bitch

by Wooith May 16, 2006

162πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

fake ass bitch

A noun or adjective of someone who is a user, liar, and likes to take advantage of others or a situation. jneen jtorched motherlicker user fake ass mooch

DeJuan - Management said we couldn't get a raise because of the economy.
Celeste - I heard that biotch, Jneen-blow got a raise.
DeJuan - How did that fake ass bitch get a raise?
Celeste - They call her Jneen-blow for a reason....

by ssatanica April 10, 2009

372πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

fake ass bitch

Someone who talks to you when deep down he or she hates you or dislikes you.

Penelope tells Feeby in class: "I fucking can't stand that bitch Tammy. She thinks she's so pretty. I hate her!"

Tammy enters the classroom and sits in her usual seat next to Penelope

Penelope says to Tammy: "Hey Tammy, you look so pretty! How was your weekend? "

Tammy and Penelope are having a normal conversation about what they did this weekend while Feeby is thinking to herself, PENELOPE IS SUCH A FAKE ASS BITCH. SHE JUST TOLD ME SHE HATES THIS GIRL AND YET SHE IS TALKING TO HER AND ACTING LIKE SHE IS HER FRIEND!!!

by basedonexperience December 8, 2015

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

fake ass bitch

1.Your enemy
2. the person that you thought of while searching this
3. the person you thought was your friend but was actually a two-faced bitch who turned on you

person 1: I thought she was my friend but she slept with my bf
person2: she's such a fake ass bitch

by TBH...IDGAF August 5, 2021

fake ass bitch

someone in the video games such as roblox or fortnite who does not help out their teammates and is fake as hell.

Ella Rose didn’t help me after I saved her from the Fortnite storm? Oh okay! She’s such a fake ass bitch FR!

by PokIsANoob August 6, 2022

Fake ass Bitch

When someone is being fake and lies to u about everything.Ass bitch is when they talk crap about u cause u tried to say sorry.

Jenna is a fake ass bitch for not calling me out and lieing about everthing. As a friend my ass

by Yourmom4937262839372 June 28, 2019