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The opposite of someone being a real "stand up" guy. Someone who is flaky and pushover-ish. A person that doesn't stand up for other or themselves.

Someone who is just awful.

I can't believe what a fall down Brittney is for not showing up to my dinner party without an excuse.

Dan forgot to get Andy's Coin? What a falldown

by EmilyAStory September 4, 2010

13👍 1👎


1) An imbecile; someone who can't do anything without support.

2) An imflammatory remark concerning one's appearance or abilities.

Me: That guy in IT can't get anything right...
You: Yeah, he's a real falldown...

Me: Get out of the @#*%& fast lane, falldown!

by Scotty March 17, 2004

15👍 3👎


A person who is going no where in life

Mike is such a falldown he failed all his courses and never went to class

by Rozencrantz May 23, 2007

11👍 5👎


When you fall down able Jayden sucks balls

Falldownable is a real word

by x420zSouljah July 17, 2019