Source Code

Family Dinner

Term or excuse used to get out of friends social events and gatherings

Nolans friends were excited to see him however he pulled out at last minute for a family dinner

by STRuggling September 21, 2012

13👍 3👎

family dinner

(N) Sunday night meals shared by groups of single, female, co-workers. Weekly meals include at least 3 people. Topics like men, sex, work, shoes, and drunken memories are discussed. All discussion topics are spoken in code at public places. The event lasts 2-3 hours.

After the gym I am going to family dinner to tell the girls about the awesome sex last night.

by Brutalproducer April 29, 2009

7👍 9👎

Chonged at the family dinner

When you come home from blazing fat doobies and getting mega chonged you realise your whole family is over and they are having the family dinner while you are super chonged and your grandma says to you, “JOSH! Stop getting super chonged for the family dinner.”

Josh you need to stop getting ultra chonged at the family dinner

by The God of Many. September 3, 2023