adjective: meaning a more that pleasantly plump woman, sometimes even grotesquely overweight. Not to be confused with Junk in the trunk, there is a difference in junk and nasty fat rolls that have been less than neatly tucked into the pants.
synonym: EW GROSS!
Jim: man, sarah is such a Fat Ass Bitch she should just die.
Ted: quite so but i do enjoy a little "cushion for the pushin."
Jim:.............................don't ever say that again!
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I girl with a fat ass and thinks she can show it off and who is a huge ass bitch to everyone and think she can talk to and steal every guy she first lays eyes on.
Oh look at that fat ass bitch who thinks she the shit
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A phrase angry high school kids use to describe a middle aged substitute teacher with a white goatee and mustache.
"Leave me alone you stupid colonel sanders looking fat ass bitch!"
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when someone looks like a sad fat ass hippo lookin bitch.
ian and ashley be lookin like a sad fat ass hippo lookin bitch
a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore is usually a word to use when you describe someone who is being a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore.
this person almost always goes by the name of kai and they almost always have weird-ass Fucking eyebrows and moustache.
coolhotgirl12345- "wow that guy has some weird-ass fucking eyebrows and moustache."
dumb fat ugly bitch ass slut- "oh you mean kai? you can just call him a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore"
coolhotgirl12345- "what a great name to call someone whos being a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore
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