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fatty fatty two by four

Fatty Fatty two by four, is a rhyme that you may use to insult someone or share with your friends in a group circle.

Fatty Fatty two by four fatty couldn't get through the bathroom door, so he shit on the floor, wiped it up and did some more.

by Kapten the Skull Faced G-Shep November 2, 2013

51👍 40👎

Fatty Fatty Two by Four

A particularly fat, disgusting person in reference to the schoolyard rhyme of the same name:
Fatty Fatty Two by Four
Can't get through the bathroom door
So he did it on the floor
Licked it up and asked for more

Did you see that fatty fatty two by four at KFC ordering a whole family bucket of chicken for himself?

by Wendy Wheelchair December 29, 2025