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A full head of hair combed into the middle to fabricate the look of a mohawk.

Ladies want me because I got a fauxhawk.

by Vince Latello September 11, 2003

6916πŸ‘ 1479πŸ‘Ž


see also: David Beckham.

I got bored and made a shampoo fauxhawk. Then I peed in my shower.

by Lolacita November 28, 2003

807πŸ‘ 401πŸ‘Ž


A variation of the "Mohawk" hair style. Hair is worm longer down the middle of the head and ussually spiked with gel. Contrary to the traditional "Mohawk" style, hair is not shaved completely on the sides of the head.

AKA: Fohawk

Barber: How would you like your hair cut?
Customer: I'd like a mohawk, but I don't think my boss would let me keep my job.
Barber: Have you given any thought to a fauxhawk?
Customer: That's a great idea, lets go for it!

by JitterBob February 7, 2009

238πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


sides of the hair have a fade , but still has to blend in well with the top of your head top of your head has to have the longest hair gelled into the middle of the hair to make a fauxfauk .

guy 1 : yo man i just got a fauxhawk , how does it look ?
guy 2 : you look gino man , it looks so sick .

by &&immaloveyouforever . July 18, 2009

95πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


Hairstyle combed into the middle with a sticky substance and made to vaguely resemble a mohawk.

Commonly thought to be the worst thing to happen to punk since Good Charlotte.

Tom: "Dude what's that on your head?"
Billy: "Its a fauxhawk, don't judge me!"
Tom: "Too late, kill yourself."

by Taesr November 11, 2009

176πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


the totally scene hairstyle sported by celebrities and metros alike... created by Paris fasion genius Alfalfa of "The Little Rascles", this hairstyle is achieved by combing all one's hair to the center so one my give the appearance of a mohawkwithout the socially unacceptable shaving of the head...

"OMGZ!!!111 dId u C codyz FauXhAwK?!11eleven1 like lozzies... S0000 hAwtt!!11" is something a man with a fauxhawk might say

by Ümbra September 7, 2004

177πŸ‘ 224πŸ‘Ž


A common hairstyle of the gays resembling a miniature mohawk.

Jack: Jake, diggin' the fauxhawk

Jake: Thanks, hotstuff.

Jack: How do you always know how to get me so hard?

by cupoficecream July 18, 2009

124πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž