The pseudo-religious group of upper middle class, mostly white women (and men) who are in the business of dividing the sexes. Not to be confused with women, or normal mild feminists who believe in equality, Feminism Inc is a disparate group of often powerful ideologues who believe, for example, that men should be sent to prison on the mere word of somebody else. Tellingly, none of the male members of the Feminism Inc congregation seem to fall on their swords and resign their positions, instead preferring to demonize other men ad nauseam as if they themselves are part of a different species.
They believe in their own version of science, like Scientologists, Creationists and witch doctors do and generally live off government/public money in one form or another because people are generally a lot nicer than they are in the imaginary dystopias they fantasize about, where they wouldn't receive a penny because the evvviiill patriarchy would have sent them packing.
My son was sent to prison for life on the word of a mental patient, if it wasn't for lobbying by Feminism Inc to remove due process he'd be living a peaceful life.