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Fire Island

The Greatest Place on Earth and this place that is know only as Fire Island has nothing bad about it no cars no cops and no tourists except for July 4th..... fuck tourists There are a few facts about fire island that you might not know

1. No Shoes
2. Drinking age is only 14
3. Outdoor Showers Only
4. Kan Jam is a Required skill
5. Bay Picnic is better than Christmas
6. The Most Important of all... LOCALS ONLY

I love Fire island


111πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

fire island

A barrier island, approximately 30 miles long and 0.5 miles wide, in Suffolk County on the southern side of Long Island in the U.S. state of New York. It is known to be a popular vacation spot for the GLBT community.

Adam and Steve are going to Fire Island for a double-honeymoon with Jane and Mabel.

by Rashaun E. August 16, 2005

98πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

fire island

A resort for homosexualsso they can have homesexual sex without interuption.

Jake was constipated before he and roger went to Fire Island, now you can fit a pear up there.

by StunGun March 30, 2005

67πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

fire island

Without touching each other getting two people to climax through masturbation over the phone, computer or in person.

Wow, that was the best visit to fire island we've ever had over the phone.

by Smophy November 2, 2007

30πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Fire Islanded

When you visit Long Island and your best friend from high school puts you on a ferry and tells you that we are going to an island where many hot foreign exchange chicks from Russia hangout. Unbeknownst of the islands true origin/nature; on the ferry ride over the sound, you notice that something is off with some of the other ferry goers. Men are holding hands. Not just one gay couple but multiples. The ferry finally touches down at a marina on the other side of the sound on Fire Island. You notice more gay couples. Then as you exit the marina into the town it is an all out flamer fest. Men are galloping briskly up and down the streets in short shorts or speedos. Finally realizing that it was a prank: you go after your best bud…He runs towards some sand dunes and you step on a hypodermic needle or rather a syringe for shooting heroin, cocaine, and/or most likely crystal meth. β€œOuch that hurts”, you said. Finally you run down your best bud and beat the living snot out of him and call him a faggot. Later on after traveling back to your home in Alabama, you go in for a regular checkup and they take blood. The doctor tells you that you have contracted HIV or rather, the AIDS virus. You ask how long you have to live. The doctor tells you that your life has just begun………..Fire Islanded…..

Best Buddy from HS to a former Long Island acquaintance at Hooters restaurant:

β€œYo bruh. Did you hear about what I pulled on Eric last week when I drug him up to NY because I needed the towing capacity of his Dodge Ram to get my Honda Accord into my personal auto mechanic up there?”
Acquaintance sitting on bar stool:

β€œYeah, I heard he got fire islanded! Oldest trick in the book bro. Hands down.”

Hooters bartender with big fake boobs:

β€œYour friend sounds like one gullible person. Does he have AIDS? Is he single?”

by BeAt-DoWn-InCePtIoN June 14, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fire Island Deluxe

A variation of the Long Island Special where the wax technician waxes the asshole with one hand and jacks off the recipient with the other.

I usually get a Long Island Special, but I'd totally be down for a good handy. How about a Fire Island Deluxe?

by Barran301 September 14, 2016

Fire Island Shorts

A straight man wearing shorts that are too tight and too short.

Len wore Fire Island Shorts to the barbecue.

by BlueButterfly November 11, 2007

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