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five below

A person who only dates people rating a 5 or below on a scale of 1 to 10 in hotness (1 being very ugly, and 10 being very hott).

Can be used as an adjective or noun.

Inspired by the discount dollar-store chain "5 Below" which sells poor quality items that cost five dollars or less.

Mary's new boyfriend is so fugly, She only dates five below.

by Nullz July 1, 2009

8👍 4👎

forty-five and below lateral or lenticular angle in truncated degree thruster

a rocket thrust (in gimbal) that is angled half of the degree as long as it is equal or less than 45

"That rocket has a forty-five and below lateral or lenticular angle in truncated degree thruster to make it turn a little to the left!"

by outrageously long vocabulary May 27, 2024