FlaisY doesn't identify herself as a female nor male, but it prefers female identification.
FlaisY is a bisexual, 'she' laughs at everything, and thinks everything is so profound.
'She' gets more boring by the second, meaning that she's not very interesting.
FlaisY is part Dutch and mostly Polish.
'She' refuses to do many things, FlaisY is lazy. Not a surprise if you as the real deal.
FlaisY despises stalkers and anyone who talks too much, unless she looks up to them.
'She' is very complicated as you can tell, but very simple. Here's some proof. She plays music, loves music, paints, hates her birthday, loves alone time all the time.
FlaisY is twisted in a way. You wouldn't understand.
P1: FlaisY a hoe.
P2: Shit. Turn around..
FlaisY: Hmm??