Prostituting oneself for the sake of it being an easy way to get cash, when you sleep around for money but dont actually have to
"Why work at Taco Bell when i can make 200$ a night flat backing?"
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A term for all girl's who have no booty... Just flat like a sheet of paper.
Boy: Omg that girl is hot!!
Boy2: Naa man, shes part of the flat back gang
Boy: Oh shit... forget i even mentioned her
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Having doggie style sex with a girl wrapped in the American flag while eating filet mignon
"You get a filet mignon from Ruth's Chris steakhouse?"
"Yeah, then I gave the hostess the flat back filet!"
to play soccer having the defence arranged with four players in a straight line
"get back in line Ferdinand" shouted Fergie. "we're playing a flat back four"
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A woman usually white or asian who has little or no back side
"Man I need a gurl wit a boot I cant have no flat back beaver tail brawd."
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To smugly turn and face the opposing direction of an intended audience while having a full fledged conversation usually when it is business critical
*Three People speaking in a triangular formation; one of them is turned with their back to the other two, while the two are in avid discussion*
Lizzy- "Dick, hey I'm trying to communicate a few critical things that need to happen by the end of your shift"
Dick- "Oh, is that what you call it." Hmph (back turned to Lizzy, facing Barnaby)
Barnaby- "Did it not occur to you: You're flat-backing your boss... dick"
Lizzy- "You are a dick, Dick"