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a heterosexual

"he kinks his hair and wears tight pants, but he's definitely flavorless"

by Ann Putney January 13, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

flavorless boba

a mixture of water and a lethal amount of pills ina bottle or cup with a straw

im gonna need some flavorless boba after that

by Phagot<3 September 29, 2022

Flavorless Negrot

A flavorless negrot is a nigga who ainโ€™t shit. A nigga that no one fucks with

โ€œYou still hang with James?โ€
โ€œNah that nigga is a flavorless negrotโ€

by K.O.D October 28, 2017