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Flornce, AL

A pretty big town in northwest Alabama home of the UNA Lions a good football team they have 3 national championships and won 2 of they 2 years in a row and have been conference champs 8 times. Flornce is also known for its music history and the TVA and some civil war history. It has some nice people a lot of country folks and rednecks and some black people most of the potheads and niggers think they are bad ass and they arent. People still fly confederate flags on their trucks. Flornce is also know as the smallmouth bass capitol of the world and hosts the bassmaster elite series and FLW and many other bass fishing groups. Shoals youth bassmasters is a kick ass bass fishing group there most of the kids in it can outfish most adults. Its also known for a few roudy bars and honky tonks

Hey lets go to Flornce, AL tonight and raise hell on the town

by tthat guyy October 14, 2011