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Fluid in my face

All up in the the right half of my cranium I can hear a popping sound when I swallow or the pressure in my head changes.

Hym "That is why I'm not doing any of your self improvement bullshit- What did I mix up Matt brown with Mike Perry? Yeah, no, Matt brown doesn't beat up old people... But that's besides the point. There is fluid in my face and/or brainz. I don't need fucking self-improvement. I don't need to think more-gooders about fucking women OR RETARDS. I need MY FUCKING MONEY for LITERALLY CREATING A.I., you fucks. I could have had a fucking stroke 10 times over by now. And I know that's what you stupid cocksuckers are thinking over there. 'He needs to think more-gooders about women DERRRR He needs to do a fucking self-help DERRR He needs a Jesus' NO! Wrong! I need the money and the free time that comes with being the literal creator of A.I. That's what I need. Nothing else matters"

by Hym Iam August 14, 2024