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Flying Rat

a city pigeon

Dude that flying rat just unloaded a massive shit on my tongue.

by wadukadoo January 9, 2010

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Flying Rat

A term used to describe a pesky bird, especially common in the New York City area where there are tons of pigeons.

Friend 1: Hey look, it's a pigeon!
Friend 2: Yuck, that flying rat just shit all over me!

by GoatDestroyer138 June 10, 2016

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Flying Rat

The person using jetpack on MLG Sanctuary in the hit game Halo: Reach

Flying rat sniped me again!

by BbyBackBic November 9, 2014

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Flying rat's ass

The inability to care or feel any bit of emotion

Oh, hey look, a flying rat's ass.
I told her last week that I don't give a flying rat's ass

by ACRose15 December 26, 2011

Flying rats ass

Used in a sentence to describe someone who doesn't care or give a crap....

When Pickle asked me if i knew Gatteaux boo boo'd on the flo i told him i didn't give a Flying rats ass.

by JOLE BLON April 27, 2008

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Flying Rat getting Ass Fucked

The two expressions flying fuck and rat's ass combined for a greater expression.

Adam: It's always been my goal to make it as a u.d.w.o.t.d.
Ricardo: I dont give a flying rat getting ass fucked.
Ricardo: Just kidding. I do and I wish you good luck.
Adam: Bet.

by Mr. Awesome 007 July 18, 2011

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flying feathered rats

Pigeons of Seagulls that are scavengers either scronging for food that is left behind or rummage thru trash bins for food scraps.

Man! look at that old lady at the parking lot feeding breadcrumbs to those flying feathered rats!!

by BruinKiller3469 May 21, 2009

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