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Foggy Dock

When your gf licks herself like a pussy cat, especially around the clitoris. In order for a girl to be good at foggy docking, she needs to be flexible.

Once the foggy docker licks herself enough, she gives you the greenlight to jump into her, schooner first.

“Jump in, the cum is warm!”

You jump in, then she jumps in herself, sucking her clitoris and your dick at the same time.

Guy 1: My GF gave me a Foggy Dock last night...

Guy 2: Was it a true clit lick or a soggy clit lick?

Guy 1: It was like a true lube clit. Her saliva is like a ton of little vibraters

Guy 2: So it was like a blowjob, hand job, and a vaginal French Kiss?

Guy 1: Yeah.. she said she’s gonna break up with me cuz my wonton is too big for her lucious lips. She said we can still be beneficial friends though.

Guy 2: I’m single.

by Ayyy Lmao... November 4, 2018