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1. following_jschlatt_antis is a tiktok account that speaks about jschlatt and shows the stuff he's done.
2. somebody with a brain

"Following_jschlatt_antis posted a new video, finally!" Eric cheered.
Lily questioned, "They posted that funny meme about schlannies, right?"

by dayes of the mark December 2, 2021


A person who generally has good sense about what kinds of people are bad, and what people are good. Typically a user of the internet.

1. A definition of a person person, typically in high regards to them.
“You’re such a following_jschlatt_antis.”

2. A person themselves.
“Have you heard of following_jschlatt_antis?”

Person 1: “Yohoho! If it isn’t my favorite following_jschlatt_antis!”
Person 2: “Yooo! Bro!”

by coolkidyes November 26, 2021


A very funny and cool person
We love slandering jshit❤️

I love following_jschlatt_antis so much!”

by taka is best boy November 26, 2021


Following_Jschlatt_antis (AKA hypnotistsappho) is literally one of the best people in the world. Hail hypnotistsappho fr, fr. -freebreeze

Following_Jschlatt_antis will follow Jschlatt antis

by Freebreeze_ November 27, 2021


the hottest most coolest person ever

person 1: hey are you following following_jschlatt_antis on tiktok?
person 2: no
person 1: fuck you, kys

by I have ✨mental breakdowns✨ November 26, 2021


The best person to be mutuals with or be followed by


Person 1: yo! I just got a follow from following_jschlatt_antis!

Person 2: sick! Ive been their mutual for a long time!

by cherrybear<3 November 26, 2021


Someone on tiktok who is REALLY smart and tries to educate people, although sometimes they dont listen (ahem mostly chronically online cough)

Hey have you heard about following_jschlatt_antis?

Yeah they make some really good points, and their pinned video on tiktok is amazing!

by olivex November 26, 2021