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fool's mate

A woman not needing the requisite 7 hours of contact prior to sleeping with a man for whom she has just met. This term originates within the PUA community.

Jake - See that blonde over there? I just banged her out in the bathroom.

Marshall - So what, she's a fool's mate. You need to raise your standards if you want to be an mPUA.

by malarky2020 October 5, 2009

43👍 9👎

fool's mate

a special book of which sexually deprived people, usually fans of japanese rock, purchase to satisfy their needs

A few days after he bought "fool's mate," the infamous magazine; he started to become immensely arroused, as he scanned over a page featuring gackt's newest naked album.

by the incredible man August 28, 2007

3👍 20👎

Fool's Mate

A chess trap that only complete morons fall for.

The game is infamous for being the "two move checkmate".

1. f3 e5 (f3 is already a rather useless opening, as no pieces are developed with its aid)
2. g4 Qh4#

White is mated in two moves.

This trap almost never occurrs in actual play, as everyone who has even looked at a chess board knows how obvious this trap is.

A similar trap is the Scholar's mate (which is Black's fastest loss) which goes as follows:

1. e4 e5
2. Bc4 Nc6 (Bishop's Opening)
3. Qh5 Nf6??? (Nf6 is a blunder to rule all blunders)
4. Qxf7#

Black is checkmated.

Again, this trap almost never occurs in regular play.

Most chess courses warn about these traps very early on, so anyone who actually falls for them deserves a dunce hat.

Bob: I played chess with my son, Bob Jr. I played Fool's Mate and he took it hook line and sinker.
Alice: Heh, funny. I started hanging out with the jocks in high school after a nerd humiliated me with the Scholar's mate.

by E hates Q January 1, 2021

Fool's mate

This article uses algebraic notation to describe chess moves.

Fool's mate. White is checkmated.For the Peter Hammill album of the same name, see Fool's Mate (album)

Fool's mate, also known as the "two-move checkmate," is the quickest possible checkmate in the game of chess. One example consists of the moves

1. f3 e5

2. g4 Qh4#

There are eight slight variations on the pattern — White might play f4 instead of f3 or move the g-pawn before the f-pawn, and Black may play e6 instead of e5.

The fool's mate received its name because it can only occur if White plays extraordinarily weakly, i.e. like a fool. Even among rank beginners, the mate almost never occurs in practice.

The same basic mating pattern may also occur later in the game. There is, for instance, a well-known trap in the Dutch Defence which occurred in 1896 between Frank Melville Teed and Eugene Delmar that runs 1.d4 f5 2.Bg5 h6 3.Bf4 g5 4.Bg3 f4; it seems that Black has won the bishop, but now comes 5.e3 (threatening Qh5#, the basic Fool's mate idea) 5...h5 6.Bd3?! (6.Be2 is probably better, but this move sets a trap) 6...Rh6? (defending against Bg6#, but...) 7.Qxh5+! Rxh5 8.Bg6#.

A similar trap once occured in a game between Gioachino Greco and an anonymous opponent.

1. e4 b6

2. d4 Bb7

3. Bd3 f5?

4. exf5 Bxg2

5. Qh5+ g6

6. fxg6 Nf6??

Now 6. ... Bg7! would have allowed the game to go on, as the move opens up a flight square for the king at f8. Black's greediness has gotten the better of him.

7. gxh7+ Nxh5

8. Bg6# (1-0)

Gioachino Greco – Anon.

Final position.More generally, the term fool's mate is applied to all similar mates early in the game; for example, 1.e4 g5 2.d4 f6 3.Qh5# - the pattern of the simplest fool's mate is maintained: a player advances his f- and g-pawns, allowing a queen mate along the unblocked diagonal. One such fool's mate is widely reported to have occurred in a possibly apocryphal 1959 game between Masefield (or Mayfield, depending on the source consulted) and Trinka (or Trinks or Trent) which lasted just three moves: 1.e4 g5 2.Nc3 f5 3.Qh5# (variants on these moves also exist).

Even more generally, the term "Fool's mate" is used in chess variants for the shortest possible mate, especially those which bear a resemblance to the orthodox chess fool's mate. Fool's mate in progressive chess, for example, is 1.e4 2.f6 g5 3.Qh5#.

by CantGoWrongWithWikipedia June 13, 2009

20👍 13👎

Fool's Mate

The fool's Mate is the fastest way to get check mated in chess

How to do Moves
1.f3 e6 2.g4 Qh4#
1.f3 e5 2.g4 Qh4#
1.f4 e6 2.g4 Qh4#
1.f4 e5 2.g4 Qh4#
1.g4 e6 2.f3 Qh4#
1.g4 e6 2.f4 Qh4#
1.g4 e5 2.f3 Qh4#
1.g4 e5 2.f4 Qh4#

"White is trash at the game,he starts with grob,Black plays queen pawn,Then white goes for the English defence but black play the fool's Mate with queen to h5

by I like chess July 9, 2024