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Football Season

1. A Season when football Starts
2. A very horrible and foul smell that you can only find in the football locker rooms

1. Yes! tomorrow is the start of Football Season
2. Pats Pants smell like Football season

by Andrew Cunha September 8, 2006

22👍 5👎

Football Season

when all the girlfriend's and wives throughout the United States start bitching

I've been sleeping on the couch for months now because its Football Season

by meeeegreeee September 10, 2009

6👍 3👎

football seasoning

n. A certain uniquely attractive flavor that football adds to the autumn.

Man, the atmosphere around here is dead gruesome. The world is bland ... bland I tell you!

Wait until next week. That is when the football seasoning is going to spice up your life.

by gnostic1 September 7, 2011

21👍 4👎