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Freedom of Supernaturality

Freedom of Supernaturality or freedom of supernaturalism or supernatural freedom is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest supernaturality and its derivations such as psychicity, sensitivity, mediumship and astral projection or supernatural belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. It also includes to treat supernatural themes such as religious themes are treated and the end of scientific persecution and denialism of those themes recognizing those themes are like religious themes and cannot be proved or disproved by science itself. Freedom of supernaturality also includes freedom of occultism, that is freedom for occultist practices and beliefs and freedom of divinity, that is freedom for divine practices, beliefs and personal views.

"Freedom of supernaturality is an interesting concept, it might help a lot the fight of supernatural people for rights and stop being attacked by religious people and by atheistic people."

"Freedom of supernaturality is gonna be really revolutionary in the future, it will let people be free and no need to worry to be considered as mentally ill and will be treated as how religion is."

"Freedom of supernaturality is gonna help a lot people such as starseeds, mythicals/supernaturals, mediums, psychics, empaths/sensitives and spiritual people."

"Freedom of supernaturality is gonna be necessary in the future due the world we live in because neopositivism is taking over science and it must be reversed."

by Full Monteirism February 2, 2021

Freedom of Supernatural Experience

Freedom of Supernatural Experience or supernatural experience liberty is a principle that supports supernatural experiences, such as religious, spiritual, mystical, divine, extraphysical, metaphysical and psychic experiences, are free from be judged or considered as delusions, hallucionations and other mental illnesses, and should be dealt as religious, spiritual, mystical, divine and supernatural beliefs are respected and considered normal, where those beliefs are also free from be judged as delusions and mental illnesses inside freedom of supernatural experience. Freedom of supernatural experience is considered as a fundamental part of the supernatural rights and of freedom of supernaturality.

"Freedom of supernatural experience is an interesting right for the future, it is basically a complement of freedom of supernaturality, but in a more specific way."

"Freedom of supernatural experience is a nice way to stop what new atheists are doing in calling everything religious and spiritual as delusions and as other mental illnesses, since they would be doing a form of discrimination doing that and it would encourage agnosticism and deism to become popular among people."

by Full Monteirism February 15, 2021