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Unstructured work, often done outside the office on a piecemeal basis. Irregular and often unpaid.

The editor asked me to do all that writing on a freelance basis, but in the end he never paid me. I took him to court.

by RexGibson March 15, 2004

135πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


a euphemism for being unemployed

Stop calling yourself a freelance financial analyst and just admit that you're unemployed like the rest of us.

by TheGoocher July 2, 2009

111πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Going commando without any underwear, and freeing up the man's penis.

Boy, was it hot in Phoenix today. I had to freelance to cool off.

by quicksilverrose June 8, 2010

20πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


About the best thing Microsoft has ever done.
A really cool game with an excelent story and a massive fanbase.

Freelancer rocks, whoever disagree's will be shot

by Nehvrook July 16, 2005

141πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


An individual who attends a social gathering without money or his own party items and never generally has these things at other gatherings that will ask other individuals at said gathering for their items I.e cigarettes, liquor

β€œHey watch out for John over there he’s a real freelancer if you know what I mean”

by Rooroox October 2, 2020


1. To perform a task on your own away from a company.
2. An independent worker.

3. To urinate without using your hands.

"a free lance photographer takes pictures and sells them to companys without being affiliated with them"

Toilet: "Hey Paul check it out, I'm freelancing!"

by AnthonyM May 16, 2005

39πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Living life with no regrets and no remorse.

I am going to freelance down the river.

by XxFREELANCERxX July 30, 2009

73πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž