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Fremont Ohio

This is where you find white hoes. Black hoes. Pretty much everyone cheats and hurts you. You may get shot for not wanting to pick up a straw for someone at Circle K. In summary, a hood ass place where hot bitches live buh are worthless and where niggas sell drugs right on 75.

A very horrible place to live is in Fremont Ohio.

by justaniggachillin October 12, 2017

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Fremont Ohio

The town where you can find hoes at every corner. People get shot a lot here. Girls be fighting about who took who’s man niggas fight for no reason too and people smoke a lot of weed too.

Welcome to Fremont Ohio we β€œlove it here”

by abigail jennings February 21, 2019

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Fremont Ohio

This is a place we’re people are fake and fight for no reason or just to be cool. Where relationships don’t last long where people get bullied. A place where drug deals are at so come get the goods. A place where hoes are lurking every where and annoying ass people. Where people act different when their with friends. That’s fremont for you

We love are town fremont Ohio

by The real deal my guy September 18, 2019

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Vanguard Career Center, Fremont, Ohio

Vanguard Career Center is an alternate high school in Northern Ohio for displaced students who have yet to do anything productive other than take speed and smoke pot. It's also a great place to go for fat kids, ghetto kids, or any other kids that would be made fun of in a real high school. At Vanguard, they're considered cool.

(In a regular high school): "Dude... you are such a dork and you have no friends."

(At Vanguard Career Center, Fremont, Ohio): "Dude... you are so fucking cool and you have a ton of friends."

by potsmokinmotherfucker January 25, 2013

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