A 152-mile aqueduct in the USA state of California, used to convey water from Friant Dam on the San Juaquin River to farms and cities in California's Centrial Valley. It is owned by the US Bureau Of Reclamation, but maintained and operated by the Friant Water Users Authority. The canal starts at Friant Dam, north-east of Fresno, CA, runs along the foothills of the soutern Jan Juaquin Valley, ending at The Kern River in Bakersfield CA. It has a capacity of 5,000 cubic feet per second (C.F.S.) at it's starting point reducing down to 2,000 C.F.S. at it's terminus.
The Friant-Kern Canal is one of California's main waterways, and it is the lifeline to many farms and communities who rely on it for water.