Fridge Nuggets is a word I use frequently when I do an oopsie. Instead of saying the f word, I say Fridge Nuggets. It won’t get you in trouble at school and around your family.
Bob: I forgot my homework f-
Bob: huh?
Jelly: it’s the safe word :) you’re welcome Bob I just saved your behind.
Fridge nugget is used to express anger, worriedness, and when something doesn’t go your way.
“FRIDGE NUGGETS my pencil won’t sharpen and it’s the only one I have”
When you stub your toe in front of your religious parents/grandparents
*stubs toe* - "Son of a bit- *looks at parents/grandparents* - "Uh, fridge mc nuggets
fridge chicken nuggets are chicken nuggets that go in a fridge and will replace the word fuck to be nice
A manky nugget that sits at the back of the fridge and it looks gross and does nothing.
1) (noun) Ew gross... i just found a fridge nugget.
2) (offensive term) You're such a fridge nugget.