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a word you use to describe how forgetful frogs are or if frogs have forgotten something

E.g- “sorry he must have frogot
“Wow your so frogetful mr frog

by Bill Weasley January 3, 2021

14👍 2👎


a Frog with furry feet and an afro that live in the low land areas of the Shire Known by some. The Frogot was a never mentioned pet of Frodo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings trilogy!

The Frogot was a never mentioned pet of Frodo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings trilogy that was carried around in his pocket though out the trilogy!

by Master DUBBY March 4, 2010

6👍 4👎


term defined as a relationship between man and candy.

often used to describe jumping uncontrollably with a lollipop in your mouth.

i.e. that dude is totally on a frogot trip right now.

the boys are frogotting after school, and i'm totally jonesin'

by Kevin Naulls February 19, 2005

19👍 7👎


A mix of the words frog and faggot. Often mistaken as a misspelling of forgot, so it's use is sometimes misunderstood.

Girl: I didn't do your laundry.
Guy: You frogot!
Girl: I won't forget again.
Guy: No, you are a frogot.

by ajuklor999 February 19, 2010

5👍 7👎


The air speed velocity of an unladen swallow... African or European you ask? Afropean I reply!

What is your name? King Arthur of Camelot...
What is your quest? I seek the Holy Grail...
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Frogot!

by PirateLordxX January 5, 2010

5👍 7👎

froget, frogot

forget, forgot mispronounced

I froget, frogot what you said.

by Raddude62896 October 18, 2020

1👍 2👎