A man that's beyond flaming gay. Liberacci, Walan Smithers and that other guy from "Will & Grace."
That fruit pie was the MVP of the pink team!
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When you give a girl a creampie and pop her cherry at the same time.
"Bro I totally gave my girlfriend a fruit pie last weekend!"
"Sounds like a lot of cleanup."
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Fruit Pie the Magician was the mascot of Hostess Fruit Pies, appearing on the label for over 30 years. The brilliant imagineers at Hostess marketing conceived of this character: An anatomically correct fruit pie wearing a top hat and cape and wielding a magic wand.
Steve: I had a terrible dream last night.
Mike: Tell me about it.
Steve: This giant walking pastry turned me into a fruit pie! I'm pretty sure it was Fruit Pie The Magician.
Mike: Did I mention you look delicious?
Steve: I'm berry.
Mike: You're berry delicious.
Steve and Mike: Ha ha ha ha ha!
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A Japanese man that's beyond flaming gay.
That Japanese fruit pie was the MVP of the pink team, he was delicious.
A flaming or smoldering 'mo
Elton John is a hostess fruit-pie that squats to pee
A sexual act in which the testicles are placed in a colander and rubbed, then a plastic bag is placed over them, whilst five loaves of sourdough bread are rubbed around the girl's clit.
Brandon: oh god, we had a British Fruit Pie last night. It was great
Jennifer: I wish my guy would do stuff like that for me!
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