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fuck mook

An amusing word to use. Someone who isn't very observant, or can be used as a general insult. Is used by Johnny Depp in Once Upon A Time in Mexico.

" I can't see fuckmook, I have no eyes!"

by Samantha March 10, 2004

118👍 10👎

fuck mook

A person who is oblivious to everything around them.

Blind Passenger: Driver, why have we stopped?

Taxi Driver: The streets are blocked up in front, can't you see!!

Blind Passenger: No, I can't Fuck Mook, I have no eyes.

by Keith Fischer March 3, 2004

56👍 21👎

Fuck mook

Just another word for a person who is a dumb ass.

Get your ass off the copier you fuck mook.

by Thalian_Chick February 8, 2005

29👍 16👎