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fucking head

what most politicians have but do not use

My area MP lost his fucking head before he even got elected.

by jumakiss_ December 1, 2017

24πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Fuck-head is a person who acts like they have very little sense. Someone who acts childish.

She's so drunk, she flashed the entire crowd. What a fuck-head!

by Jesa_gurl January 8, 2006

85πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

fuck head

One who is very stupid. Usually refering to being fucked in the head. Intellectually challenged.

He is fucked in the head or he is a fuck head.

by Fuck Nut July 3, 2003

385πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž

Fuck Head

If someone pisses you off, same thing as dumb ass or stupid.

Oh my god. Brandon was being SUCH a fuck head today. I dont know why anyone likes him.

by YOUR MOM sucks HAIRY balls. September 11, 2009

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

fuck head

from the latin "Skullus Fuckus",(1) (n)commonly used as a form of verbal abuse to degrade those perceived as morons.(2)(adj) Also, those able to fuck up a wet dream.

(1)"Hey, Fuck-Head! Thats a water fountain, not a urinal!"
(2)"get off the road, fuck head!

by ph-uk hed September 18, 2003

254πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž

fuck head

1. a name for someone who is being a dumbass
2. one who says stupid things

1. quit being suck a fuck head
2. quit saying stupid shit you fucking fuck head

by bitch March 7, 2005

118πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

fuck head

George Walker Bush

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." β€”Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

What a Fuck Head.

by Earl2000 November 26, 2006

91πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž