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full monk

A radical, permanent transformation undergone by a person, characterized by adopting a life of asceticism, self-denial, lack of material possessions, solitude, and frequent meditation. Unlike your average run-of-the-mill monk, a full monk never showers, shaves, or grooms. They abandon personal hygiene all together. Full monks usually lose touch with reality and hold a variety of bizarre delusions. They often become hermits in remote wilderness or raving doomsayers, predicting the apocalypse on public street corners. Most full monks adopt a strict vegan diet, although some may also consume small insects and microorganisms such as fungi and algae.

"Dude... what's up with Dan? He's starting to creep me out."
"Idk man... he disappears for days at a time and I don't think he's showered in weeks. All he talks about is universal energy and consciousness and shit like that. He says I need to find my inner Zen. Idk what that means but he's getting really hard to be around."
"You think it's a phase or something? My brother went emo for like a year."
"Nah bro I don't think so... I think he actually went full monk."
"Full monk?? You never go full monk..."

by MasterMonk January 28, 2017

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