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Furryspeak (Also known as OwOspeak) is a type of typing commonly used by Furries to indicate cuteness.

Furryspeak consists of replacing L and R letters with the letter W and adding ascii emoticons to text at the end. (depending on the situation) (not to be confused with Emojis, though Emojis are still usable in Furryspeak)

Most commonly you can see words like "Hello" be replaced by "Hewwo"

Commonly Furryspeak also uses emoticons like "OwO" and "UwU" at the end of the text, mattering on the situation, it is best to know the emoticons' definitions before using them.

How Furryspeak is used:
Random Person: Hey, how are things?
Furry: Things are going weww, how about you! ^w^
Furry Hater: God dammit, not again.
Furry: Why do you have to keep fowwowing me! >w<

by Erron2005 October 7, 2020

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