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When one makes a statement as if it were fact. The fact however has no basis in reality. It is a complete fabrication made up on the spot.

"It's going to snow 4 feet today"

"Gabe it's July and we are in Arizona, did I just get Gabed?"

by Armourism January 14, 2019


To get screwed by a coworker.

β€œPaulie, you just got Gabed!”

by Clive Bixby Jr July 12, 2018


Unceremoniously ousted from a group, based purely and bluntly on ability rather than personality, after having been made to feel welcome over a protracted period of time.

Aw man... if he fucks up again, he gonna get Gabed!

by zmm February 10, 2017


Having an acquaintance that likes to bore you with the same stories day after day, but walks away when you start speaking.

Wow, I just listened to his story about his hometown for the tenth time and when I tried to tell him something he Gabed me!

by Punxy February 27, 2011

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


When the dealer in poker adds to the community cards (flop, turn, or river) BEFORE all active players have played their hand for the current round of betting.

The term is a verb and is generally used when the above mistake causes a player who would have most likely won the hand, to lose.

I had pocket Aces against pocket sevens. Pocket sevens min-raised me. I was going to put him all in and the dealer Gabed me. Turns out the flop gave my opponent a set, he called my all in, and cracked my aces.

by OG1 October 25, 2010

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Gabe is a gabe. The true definition of a Gabe is that they are gabe, and nothing else. Other forms of Gabe are unreal as it is just gabe.

Marcus: Is that Adrian? What is he doing
Pawel: Nah that’s Gabe doing Gabe things

by HolyChonger December 4, 2017

2023πŸ‘ 295πŸ‘Ž


Those dinosaur looking birds that roam your neighborhood.

Gabe get out of the road you’re going to get hurt.

by Lil K00K October 25, 2019

293πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž