GAYCUESHUNT are of select gay(s) who’ve (a) been excommunicated either by choice and/or other definitive to that of a group or singular Identity (asexually, click, niche, PNP, secret society). (b) those who are essentially cut and/or pushed out of community involvement/happenings due to attributes of many reasonings: labelling, beliefs, culture, physicality’s, extreme behavioural outburst, excentrique’s, social dissociative disorder, bullying, even self-excommunication with privacy as to the result.
Bobby was GAYCUESHUNT last week from the Plastics, he has been eating too much of those jelly donuts he has sweet tooth for, that poor scale of his Shelly, bless his heart!
I GAYCUESHUNT myself from Grindr and other media’s, ppl just have no respect these days for indifferences that deserve the appreciation of such and the allowance of self-love and/or celebrations. I’m now more of a coffee gay. ( meetings in person in an agreeable plublic location )
Rusty: Garth was GAYCUESHUNT from the PNP’ers, he wanted to sober up and apparently stopping partaking in the communion bowl when in service, those hardcore PNP’ers wouldn’t give over to him eating peaches before baking with the flakes, I guess it’s true Merv, you can’t always have your cake and eat it too in this life! Merv: umhumm!!