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GFP is an acronym for 'gay furry porn'.

1- Hey, would you like some GFP?
2- Heck yeah!

by ominous blue evaporating eel February 25, 2019

33πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Meaning "good for pics" (antonym: "bad for pics"), the term applies to the quality of pictures of a person, place, or situation that are taken with the purpose of being published on a website, such as Facebook. Really attractive people, places with cool lights, and alcohol are all things that would be GFP in an album. Losers, board games, and bad parties in general would all be classified st BFP.

"Let's build a beeramid! It would be so GFP"
"I arranged the red Solo cups in a beer pong formation. We all know it's GFP".

by Cat Baker December 15, 2008

140πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Gay For Pay. When a male (or woman I suppose) who is straight, does gay porn because they desperately need money.

My brother had no way to pay rent, his only option was to go GFP.

His parents abandoned him when they found out he was GFP.

by IAmDempster March 17, 2010

41πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Giant Floating Penis

Oh what is that out there?...... itΒ΄s a GFP, we better report it

by Odin25 September 18, 2013

13πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Great Fucking Potato. Inspiring awe or admiration. Acknowledgment of a person, thing, idea, statement, etc. for its indisputable awesomeness.

Mike: "That burger was so good!"
TJ: "Yeah man, GFP."

by TJTHEGREAT June 30, 2010

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Giant fucking pussy

Wayne "Do you want a beer?"
Pat "No, I have to workout tonight"
Wayne "Quit being such a GFP and have a beer"

by Wayne The 1st December 4, 2013

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for "Generally Fabulous Person"

(n.) - an acronym used to describe someone (usually male) who is the perfect balance between flamboyance, showiness and stylistic panache without attracting comments that they might actually be a homo.

GFP's maybe be seen wearing (possibly studded) leather jackets, guyliner, and with a pleasurably even coverage of facial stubble.

Not to be confused with the Hipster culture, as said culture, sadly, erodes fabulousness.

Girl 1: Wow, check out the GFP at eleven o'clock!
Girl 2: I know what you mean! He's got a real Brandon Flowers/Jeremy Renner thing going on. Hope he's not gay...

by Sidders August 9, 2012

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž