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GTX 1080

What you know what a GTX 1080 is!

Why did I even bother to make this definition ¬_¬

Person 1: I am bored *searches up gtx 1080*

by Unknown edge lord June 17, 2020

2👍 1👎

GTX 1080

Why are you searching GTX 1080 you know what it is!

Why don't you look for something else!

Person 1: Lets search up GTX 1080

Person 2: Are you silly?

by Unknown edge lord June 17, 2020

1👍 1👎

GTX 1080

The GTX 1080 is a very good and expensive graphics card.

idk what to write here this article is going to be deleted soon anyway
ps i don't have GTX 1080 cuz it's expensive AF

by Kompot xd February 12, 2017