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GameFAQs Moderator

The internet police force on the popular gaming website gamefaqs.com. The moderating staff is made up entirely of volunteer, unpaid members of the larger GameFAQs community, yet most of these volunteers treat their positions as if they're part of an actual cyber police force. The moderators are obsessed with flaunting their power whenever possible, dishing out a number of moderations on average that most forums don't even come close to approaching. GameFAQs moderators are also obsessed with maintaining their secrecy for whatever reason, hiding behind a system that allows them to give out moderations anonymously, so that they don't have to deal with disgruntled users. Overall, this gives the entire forum a "Big Brother Is Watching" vibe and results in mutual distrust between the regular users and the moderators, who act more like corrupt police officers than volunteer members of a message board community.

GameFAQs moderators are amongst some of the most biased, powerhungry and corrupt moderating staffs on the entire internet. Whereas many moderating staffs try to maintain healthy relations between them and their userbase, GameFAQs moderators seem more concerned with being an online dictatorship.

by rico567 November 1, 2014

72๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

GameFAQs Moderator

A unpleasant individual who uses his or her power to silence those he or she does not agree with. Apparently anything can get you modded by them. Including this example below.

Heck, I've taken my pokemon hacking to a new level. I'm running pokemon mills. There's thousands shoved in cages in a huge warehouse inside of a tardis-like computer. It's hard running a giant scamming job in between all the murders/robberies/puppy-killing I do. But man, do I try!

Man GameFAQs Moderators are douchebags.

by Hacker:) April 7, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

GameFAQs Moderator

A cranky old piece of dipshit, conflicted with nerdy humor and a nonexistant social life, these nerds' dreams in life are to become moderators so they can sit around all day and moderate messages on a forum. They're extremely paranoid, only worst of all, certain things that should be moderated aren't, and vice versa. It goes to the point where you can't actually say anything debate-like.

It's so hard to write anything because it;ll get moderated, and all because the moderator took what you said the wrong way because they're sicko perverts who jack off to anime.

That basically sums up the moderators. Don't forget, they obviously don't have a social life if they moderated for a forum. Although, wasting my time writing a definition for them isn't helping my life.

One time I accidentally, unintentionally, and barely used a replacement for a worse word (i said fork instead of fuck, and i was explaining how that rule should be remembered), then I got a suspension even though I had no prior moderations, and I had 50 karma. Instant ban. Next time I'll think twice before giving others my example.

One time I marked a username impersonating me directly, and nothing happened. why the fuck could he get away with that bullshit?

My definition is kinda screwed up. It applies to all people of GameFAQs, not just gamefaqs moderators.

by Measles September 5, 2007

132๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

GameFAQs Moderator

The pathetic, obstructionist losers in charge of babysitting the members of the website GameFAQs. Their main job is to ensure that no one attempts to form anything that could be considered a rational, adult thought. If anyone does attempt to think on a level higher than a impressionable little child, it is the job of the moderator to ban them. Any emerging threat of intelligence must be contained. For as we all know, CNet makes more money when everyone is kept stupid. Intelligence, after all, is bad for business.

The GameFAQs moderators just suspended me for referring to religion as "mythology" in a topic arguing that evolution isn't real. God, what a bunch of fucking retards. They really should shoot themselves right in their worthless heads.

by toosmartforgamefaqs May 7, 2009

95๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

GameFAQs Moderator

- A dumbass that thinks he is god and then suspends you for you being an individual.

- A low-life, piece of crap of a human being.

- I hate all the GameFAQs Moderators.

- "He's such a GameFAQs Moderator..."

by Justin H. April 29, 2005

308๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

GameFAQs Moderator

Impotent idiots who don't even know how to run GameFAQs. Heck even a monkey can run a better site than them. You can compare them to a country that is run by a dictator. There are actually smart moderators, but most moderators are just corrupt and ignorant.

I got modded for telling about an experience i had by a stupid GameFAQs moderator.

by ReDaZnDraGoN March 13, 2005

243๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

GameFAQs Moderator

A wonderful person that likes to moderate a Gaming Board that no one should give a second look to in the first place.

"Those GameFAQ mods deleted my message again! It was just a link to a GBA rom!"

by CJAYC FANBOY2001 March 17, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž