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The homosexual version of GameFAQs, designed by gay gamers for gay gamers. Only videogames with a direct connection to the gay culture are listed, and the forums on the site only allow discussions on topics related to gay people.

Why go to GameFAQs for a review of Devil May Cry 3 when you can go to GameFAGs instead?

by TJ Griers March 18, 2008

241👍 74👎


the opposite of Gamefaqs

gmaefaqs is teh aw3s0m3st Pl4c3 EVA!
1337! BUT dont eva go to that gameFAGs place, its for teh Buttfuckas.

by That guy from gamefaqs February 12, 2004

108👍 160👎


Gamefag (Noun)

1. A person who is a total dick to other players on an online or CO-OP/Split Screen video game and/or gloats and brags over their victories in the face of others.. Often occurs in FPS games such as the Call of Duty series.

2. A person who complains about how all the other players are being a dick to him/her. Again, often occurs in the Call of Duty series.

Shot player: "aw man..."
Gamefag: "HAHAHA! I beat you, I beat you!!! You suck cock!!!"

Gamefag: "OH MY GODDDDA! WHY DO YOU KILL ME ALL THE TIMEEE??? UGGh! You scuk! I hate you forever!"
Shooter: "Dude, it's just a game..."
Gamefag: NO IT'S NOT!"

by unohue June 21, 2014

4👍 6👎