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gay American

The former govenor of New Jersey, James McGreevey, who resigned from office due to a totally different scandal.

I don't care if your govenor is the Terminator, we were the first state to be governed by a gay American.

by JDW May 5, 2005

77👍 95👎

Gay American

A Happy Go-Lucky American!

INTELLECTUAL: All my friends are GAY some time, even my FAG friends!

Intellectual: I'm just your average Gay American. I am out to have a GAY OLE time.

IDIOT(IQ below 40): Your a fagot American?

Intellectual: Hell NO, you Nazi NOOBEs. Don't you have any sense to know the difference between Gay and Fag?

I"ll spell it out for you, G a y= an E M O T I O N

Fag= some thing V E R Y Q U E E R, some who twist the TRUTH into a LIE, something that spreads AIDES, and the ONLY time you see a Fag "GAY" is in those FAG PARADES, but not so GAY in the Hospital dying of AIDES, Oh hell no just the opposite, VERY "SAD" instead!

by Absolutes September 28, 2011

17👍 18👎

All American Gay

the gayest someone can get legally in the U.S.A many the guys that publicy display affection in a busy place(malls or amusment parks) these people know that they are gay and try to show it. they will tell everyone they know. this word can only refer to gay guys. also if the people are in a diffrent country you can't call them All American Gay.

"tyler is such a All American Gay". "dude you are All American Gay". "y you got to act like an All American Gay"

by silent eagle November 22, 2007

14👍 15👎

All American Gay

the gayest someone can get legally in the U.S.A many the guys that publicy display affection in a busy place(malls or amusment parks) these people know that they are gay and try to show it. they will tell everyone they know. this word can only refer to gay guys. also if the people are in a diffrent country you can't call them All American Gay.

"tyler is such a All American Gay". "dude you are All American Gay". "y you got to act like an All American Gay"

by silent eagle November 22, 2007

5👍 18👎